About Us
Blink and you’d miss it as you cruise through the bustling village of Douglas. Yet, even though dwarfed by the adolescent growth spurts of industry and progress around us, KC's still stands tall as a truly world renowned eatery. For over half a century now the family run business has certainly done its best to maximize the output from the tiny building bursting with fresh ideas and overflowing with gastronomic creative juices.
Among the first to introduce the Hamburger to the people of Cork. Inventors of the often imitated Meat Patties. Purveyors of the famous King Creole, Chicken Bombay and The KC Special Burger. Serving thousands of hungry people every week, the best things really do come in small packages.

Sustainability couldn’t be higher on our list of priorities. For years now, we have been gradually reducing our plastic usage and now we are proud to say we are single use plastic free. All our packaging is compostable, sourced from Down To Earth Materials.
We try to source our food products from local farmers and suppliers too. We use locally grown organic potatoes for our chips when in season; locally caught fish; locally reared beef and pork. We make our our sauces and mix our own spices.
We also operate a strict composting policy for any food or paper waste we generate. Our staff are well trained and stick to the guidelines.
KC’s is famous for many things, but our customers are well aware of our environmental standards and often commend us on these practices.